Intuitive Thinking Skills

Intuitive Thinking Skills provide short duration attitude change programs to people engaged with the U.K.’s public sector statutory services. They successfully empower, build resilience and promote true independence.

“At Intuitive Thinking Skills we have a passion for the skills and abilities inherent in every individual. Our workforce come with a wealth of lived experience having overcome their own life challenges. Helping others to change their lives using skills properly directed means they can achieve their own self stated aims.
We believe that independence and self-determination are everyone’s ambition. This should be nurtured to ensure people can stand alone, happily self-sufficient, and free from reliance on benefits, substances or crime.” - Peter Bentley, Founder Intuitive Thinking Skills


Read about why we love Intuitive Thinking Skills 👇

Why choose Intuitive Thinking skills?:

Intuitive Thinking Skills has over 18 years experience of educating and empowering people to take independent action and building personal resilience. 

They work effectively across sectors including criminal justice, drugs and alcohol, employment, domestic abuse and homelessness.

Having a wealth of experience delivering accredited programmes, training, and digital learning they are able to teach people skills to adapt to life-changing situations and give them the tools to guide them towards their personal development.  

All staff are trained to change attitudes using our peer-led perspective, embedding key skills, and developing effective interactions that promote personal responsibility within recovery, resilience, rehabilitation and recruitment sectors. 



Qube Learning


Conel College